Top 10 Time-Saving Gatsby Plugins🔌
Gatsby is already easy to work with — now make it fast
Gatsby is already easy to work with — now make it fast
Gatsby has grown in popularity, and for good reason. It’s unequivocally fun and easy to work with — it makes the life of a React developer much smoother and more productive.
What are Gatsby plugins? In a nutshell, Gatsby plugins are reusable modules of code. From the Gatsby homepage:
Gatsby plugins are Node.js packages that implement Gatsby APIs. For larger, more complex sites, plugins let you modularize your site customizations into site-specific plugins.
Without further ado, here are eight handy Gatsby plugins that you can start using today. Note: This article assumes you’re familiar with the basics of Gatsby.
The gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
the plugin provides drop-in support for server rendering data added with React Helmet, a component that lets you control your document head.
With this plugin, attributes you add in the component (title, meta attributes, etc.) will be added to the static HTML pages Gatsby builds.
This is important not just for site viewers, but also for SEO: title and description metadata stored in the document head is a key component used by Google in determining placement in search results.
Installation is easy:
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet
How to use it
Just add the plugin to the plugins array in your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`]
If you’re using gatsby-plugin-offline
, you might notice that when opening a link in the background, the title doesn’t appear in the tab bar until you switch to that tab. This is an upstream issue with React Helmet; however, it can be worked around bypassing the defer={false}
prop into your Helmet
component. For example:
<Helmet title="foo bar" defer={false} />
Read the full documentation here.
This plugin is for sourcing data into your Gatsby application from your local filesystem.
The plugin creates File
nodes from files. The various “transformer” plugins can transform File
nodes into other types of data. For example,gatsby-transformer-json
transforms JSON files into JSON data nodes, and gatsby-transformer-remark
transforms Markdown files into MarkdownRemark
nodes from which you can query an HTML representation of the Markdown.
npm install --save gatsby-source-filesystem
How to use it
In your gatsby-config.js
plugins, you can have multiple instances of this plugin to read source nodes from different locations on your file system. The following sets up the Jekyll pattern of having a pages
directory for Markdown files and a data
directory for .json
, .yaml
, and .csv
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `pages`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/pages/`,
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `data`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/data/`,
ignore: [`**/\.*`], // ignore files starting with a dot
Read the full documentation here.
give drop-in support for making a Gatsby site work offline, enabling it to be more resistant to bad network connections. It creates a service worker for the site and loads the service worker into the client.
If you’re using this plugin with gatsby-plugin-manifest
(recommended) this plugin should be listed after, so the manifest file can be included in the service worker.
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-offline
How to use it
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-offline`]
Read the full documentation here.
The web-app manifest (part of the PWA specification) enabled by this plugin allows users to add your site to their home screen on most mobile browsers — see here. The manifest provides configuration and icons to the phone.
This plugin provides several features beyond manifest configuration to make your life easier:
- Auto icon generation: generates multiple icon sizes from a single source
- Favicon support
- Legacy icon support (iOS)
- Cache busting
- Localization: Provides unique manifests for path-based localization (Gatsby Example)
Each of these features has extensive configuration available so you are always in control.
$ npm install --save gatsby-plugin-manifest
Add plugin and manifest settings — this step is required:
// in gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `GatsbyJS`,
short_name: `GatsbyJS`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#f7f0eb`,
theme_color: `#a2466c`,
display: `standalone`,
If you’re using this plugin together with gatsby-plugin-offline
(recommended), this plugin should be listed before the offline plugin, so that it can cache the created manifest.webmanifest
For more information on configuring your web app, see here. For more information on the plugin, read the full documentation here.
creates a sitemap for your Gatsby site. Useful for search engine crawlers and search results optimization.
Note: This plugin only generates output when running in production
mode. If you want to test your sitemap, run: gatsby build && gatsby serve
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-sitemap
How to use it
In your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-sitemap`]
Above is the minimal configuration required for it to work. By default, the generated sitemap will include all of your site’s pages, except the ones you exclude.
Read the full documentation here.
Easily add Google Analytics to your Gatsby site.
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
How to use it
In your gatsby-config.js
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
options: {
// Defines where to place the tracking script - `true` in the head and `false` in the body
head: false,
// Setting this parameter is optional
anonymize: true,
// Setting this parameter is also optional
respectDNT: true,
// Avoids sending pageview hits from custom paths
exclude: ["/preview/**", "/do-not-track/me/too/"],
// Delays sending pageview hits on route update (in milliseconds)
pageTransitionDelay: 0,
// Enables Google Optimize using your container Id
// Enables Google Optimize Experiment ID
// Set Variation ID. 0 for original 1,2,3....
// Any additional optional fields
sampleRate: 5,
siteSpeedSampleRate: 10,
cookieDomain: "",
See here for the complete list of optional fields.
Note that this plugin is disabled while running gatsby develop
. This way, actions are not tracked while you are still developing your project. Once you run gatsby build
the plugin is enabled. Test it with gatsby serve
Read the full documentation here.
A Gatsby plugin for utilizing the Typography library with minimal configuration. See it in action in the Tutorial (source)
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-typography react-typography typography
How to use it
A typical typography.js
file utilizing one of its themes might look like this:
import Typography from "typography"
import grandViewTheme from "typography-theme-grand-view"const typography = new Typography(grandViewTheme)// Export helper functions
export const { scale, rhythm, options } = typography
export default typography
You then have to take the exported stylesheets and inline them in your entry file. Since a theme comes with two fonts, you also have to make sure you have the fonts available somehow.
By using gatsby-plugin-typography
and specify the path to your typography.js
file via the pathToConfigModule
option (see below), the inclusion of your typography styles and any relevant fonts is taken care of by a pair of helper methods under the hood, keeping your typography-related config in a single location and your entry file sparse.
// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typography`,
options: {
pathToConfigModule: `src/utils/typography`,
Read the full documentation here.
A Gatsby plugin to help analyze your bundle content with the webpack-bundle-analyzer.
Installation with Yarn:
yarn add gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyzer
Or with npm:
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyzer
How to use it
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
Additional options can be found here, including:
: Run the analyzer on a production build. Defaults tofalse
: Set totrue
to toggle off the analyzer. Defaults tofalse
plugins: [{ resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyzer', options: { analyzerPort: 3000, production: true, }}]
Read the full documentation here.
Thanks for reading, I hope you found at least one useful plugin for your existing or new Gatsby project. In case I missed your favorite plugin, post it below in the responses. Happy coding!